What Is Life Coaching Anyway?

I spent most of my adult life completely buried in my roles as wife and mom while also maintaining various jobs outside the home. All those years I never really made myself a priority and a time came when the toll was paid.
One cannot ignore their own needs and expect to grow healthy and effectively. I know that had I benefited from a life coach during those years I would have been a much healthier version of myself.
My desire to become a coach actually was born from my own breakthrough. I began my journey by utilizing a coach myself to be on that side of the coaching process. It was an amazing experience enabling me to see both dynamics, which I feel helps my clients.
If you really think about it coaching for life makes total sense. Athletes and sporting teams are most obvious for having “coaches”, helping them develop their gifts and talents, to be their best at what they do. Why would you NOT want someone to help you do that in the biggest game you will ever play…LIFE!?
Having that one person in your life, giving you their undivided attention for a full hour (how often does that happen in your life?) and completely focused on you, what you need, helping you sort things out and go about attaining your goals and dreams is absolutely priceless.
Typically life coaches want to meet with their clients on a regular basis, whether that is weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly. The accountability in itself is part of the beauty of the process.
Having that person in your corner will;
1) hold you accountable
2) cheer you on
3) give you the tools you need to continue to move forward in life
All of which is what makes for a productive, effective individual.
No matter your status, role or profession every individual can benefit from the inspiration, encouragement and empowerment that comes from life coaching.
If you are still unsure if coaching can help YOU, I am happy to chat with you about it.