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WOW! I woke up inspired this morning. Well, actually it began with my morning devotion and I nearly ran to my laptop to start writing my thoughts.

What I have come up with I believe is a new, additional chapter in SOUL STEPS. I had been feeling like SS is evolving or growing or something!

Anyway…. I wanted to share a tid-bit with you this morning as you head into your day.

I AM NOT ______________________________ ENOUGH

Fill in the blank……

Have you ever uttered these words?

I am not pretty enough. I am not smart enough. I am not talented enough. I am not strong enough. I am not fun enough.

Maybe those words originated from your childhood, from a destructive relationship, or mean girls, or ….. Things were said. Words were hurled.

We hoped you were a boy not a girl when we had you. We don’t want you on our team. Is that the best you can do. Who do you think you are. You can’t sit with us. Dumb. Stupid. Clumsy. Fat.

Words that echo over and over, confirming what we already thought…

What your inner critic has been telling you.

Ok, maybe it’s not ALL lies. Maybe you have done some pretty yucky stuff. Regrets that stack a mile high.

Let me ask you; have you accepted Christ as your Savior?? If your answer is YES, you have confessed and given your heart and life to Him….Then it is GONE! As far as the East is from the West. Never to be remembered again.

Here’s the point; the enemy does his darndest to give us tunnel vision so ALL we see is the negative, the hurtful, the bad, the ugly. Focusing on our flaws rather than on Him, the One who equips us, the Holy Spirit who empowers us and Jesus Christ who has set us free!!

We have to stop and realize who this enemy is and what his agenda is.

He is the father of all lies and he has come to steal, kill and destroy us.

It is he who is infiltrating your mind with the doubts, insecurities, injustices,

You must remember that the devil cannot take away the promises of God!

Not today not ever!

You must also remember that the devil does not come to you in a cute little red suit and pitchfork completely recognizable, NO! he comes disguised as an angel of light.

He has that old collection of tapes from your past and he wrecks havoc on you; pushing play, rewind, play, rewind, play….

The bottom line, the root source is that you are believing one of the oldest lies in the devils book: “you are not good enough.”

Oh but no my dear sister, that is NOT the truth!!

In fact it is the furthest thing from the truth. You see GOD is the One who created you. He ‘ knit you together” in your mother’s womb, He formed you, He knew you before He created you.

We all have defects and deficiencies. God knows every one of them, He even knows what caused them. And yet, He chose you anyway. He chose you before you were born.

Jeremiah 1:5 says: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations”

The bottom line is that we are good enough to do whatever God has called you to do and be. To start with He has called you to BE YOU!

When you begin feeling the familiar trickles of the I am not’s….begin replacing that with the TRUTH.

The truth is that when we say I’m not strong enough, God says I AM. He is the God who fills in the blanks. ALL of them! Once we let go of the lies that we are not enough and take hold of the truth that we are MORE than enough because of Jesus’ presence and power in us, then we will be set free from our “less-than” mentality and be on our way to experiencing the courageous confidence of an overcomer.

So go, be YOU, be exactly who God made you to be.

Live in that confidence, that strength and power.

Reject the lies.

Accept the truth! It will set you FREE!!!!!

Be blessed!



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