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Time's a Tickin'

This is the final stretch for Soul Steps registration which ends Sunday evening at 10 pm (PST)

If you are still on the fence about whether this is something you are interested in at this point in time, let me ask you a few questions....

How are you doing?

No really!!!! How ... are.... YOU?

How's your attitude? Been a little snippy lately?

Dealing with depression?

Hows the negativity mindset? Do you struggle to keep a positive twist to what's going on around you? About life in general?

Do you feel like you keep dealing with the same issues over & over again?

Are you carrying the old wounds that have been hanging around for way too long?

Have you been feeling STUCK?

Let me assure you that most of us could answer YES!!! to most of these questions at any point in time. I honestly believe that we all need a little refresher-clean-out-revival-restoration from time to time.

Soul Steps is just that.

The question remains though, is this time for you?

You know its time when you feel these things (above) more than you feel positive, clear-minded and empowered.

Think about it, pray about it...Ask GOD about it.

Let me know no later than Sunday evening.

I'm here if you have ANY questions and by ALL means, pass this along to anyone you feel might benefit from this opportunity to move out of that stuck place and into the fullness God has always intended.


Love & Blessings, Sherry

PS To register simply contact me and I will send you a link (because for some reason my link is not working here on my blog)

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