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Processing & Evaluating

Maybe a bit delayed but … HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Here we are already a whole month into 2017.

Am I the only one who feels like time just flies these days?!

Along with the fleeting time goes the fleeting intentions, right?

So…how are you doing on your intentions (resolutions) for this brand-spanking new year?

Each new year I do the same; I take some time (usually during the week between Christmas and New Years) to pause, reflect, and project. As I look back over the past year I take stock of what I have accomplished and enjoyed, what has worked and what has not. I do some journaling and a lot of talking to God, then I begin projecting what I want to be better/different and start figuring out how to best make that happen.

As I was doing this little practice this year I came up with a worksheet that I have been giving to my Life Coach clients. This worksheet has been a great tool to help us evaluate where we are while assessing where we want to be.

I decided that this needs to be done on monthly basis so I (and my clients) will not slip into our lackadaisical habit of forgetting to remember what is important. We all know that life gets moving and we can lose our focus far too easily.

In this evaluation we delve into the 3 vital elements of our lives; Body, Spirit and Soul. It is my opinion that when we have a healthy balance in these three areas we have a more full and effective life. There are questions and journaling prompts to help you gain your personal focus. Speaking of focus, we also talk about “focus words.”

I would love to offer you this worksheet so you too can do some never-too-late- evaluating. Simply email me at: When you send the email simply put “Evaluation worksheet” in the subject line and I will email you one right away.

I would love to see you make this the best year of your life.

This year WILL happen, so why not be intentional and make it the best yet?

I pray this new day and new year be blessed in abundance….

“The Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24

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