Aging & Gratitude

Maybe I am the only one.
But as birthdays approach I get all kinds of sentimental!
I am about to turn 58!
Yet honestly it is not about that crazy-how-did-this-happen number, instead it is more about the state of my life as it is.
Taking inventory is something I do.
I do it at New Years as we embark upon a year with who-knows-what is in store for us & I do it again as my birthday arrives on the horizon.
You see there is one profound thing about turning a big number like 58.
By now we have come to appreciate and acknowledge the most important things in life. Which in fact is nothing at all about THINGS, it is all about PEOPLE. The relationships, the family and friends that you surround yourself with, THAT is what truly matters!
As I was hit with a wave of emotion today (out of nowhere, thank you very much!) I began thanking GOD for the amazing people He has put in my life.
For the very sturdy and healthy relationships I am blessed to have.
For a long, loving marriage.
For children who love me; even though I am sure I can be quite smothering in my mothering ;)
For grandangels who are definitely the crowning joy of life.
For friends who have traveled this journey & all of its crazy ups and downs with me and who continue to be with me.
For my extended family that serves as a reminder that I have a loving legacy of which I am forever grateful.
For relationships restored….there have been some pretty big blessings in this department lately.
I owe everything to the One who saved my soul and who continues to bring meaning to my life.
Today I would like to challenge you to reflect upon the PEOPLE in your life; your circle. Give thanks to HIM for those people who are there for you in times of struggle and in times of JOY. Praise Him for never leaving you high and dry. Thank Him for the tribe you can call your own, whatever that looks like.
As I approach my birthday, getting way too close to a super big number, I will do my best to reflect on the positive and not on the wrinkles and sluggish ways of my body. I encourage you to do the same, no matter what stage of life you are in.
I have heard it said that if all we said to God is THANK YOU, then we have said enough.
Well, I do not know about you, but I have a whole lot of thank you’s to offer to the One who has saved my soul and given me life in abundance.
Today I say: Thank you Lord for saving my soul.
Thank you Lord for making me whole.
Thank you for the ones who I am blessed to do life with, bless them abundantly.