HIS Love is the Only Perfect Love
It’s the holiday of LOVE… & that either makes you want to click off right now and read no further or it makes you feel all warm & fuzzy inside.
How you respond to this four-letter word meant to conjure up feelings of happiness and endearment all depends on what you have experienced in your life and the status of your heart at this very moment.
Most of us have experienced a wide range of feelings in the love department. Some we would rather forget, some we still hold near and dear to our hearts.
I want to be the informant today to tell you that TRUE LOVE is not actually built upon emotions or dependent upon others.
So before you get all annoyed with seeing flowers and chocolates strewn across your social media feed, before you begin to feel as if you are the only one without a sweetheart, or one that is thoughtful and is lavishing you with such gifts. Think about the true meaning of Love and that you mean more to God than you ever will to anyone else.
Ok Ok! Easy for me to say. I have been married for 40 years and Valentines is actually the day we celebrate getting together. I get it. You don’t have that or it just looks very different for you. That’s OK. I am pretty sure there are other parts of my life that looks far different than yours.
No one’s life is perfect. No one’s love is perfect. No ONE is perfect. Except that one…THEE ONE! God our Creator, our Father, He is the only one who will ever be perfect and because of that, His love is the only perfect love.
So today, rather than dwell on any lack you might feel in the love department, rejoice that you have a perfect love and THAT is the greatest gift of all.
Now go ahead and buy yourself some chocolates and flowers if you want them. Most importantly, don't fall into comparison, don't allow yourself to focus on what you don't have but rather CHOOSE to focus on what you DO have.
A perfect love!