Strengthening Your Core
So I have been thinking about “core strength” lately. Probably because I desperately need to be working on my core physical strength, getting older has a way of making you realize some things.
You are familiar with 'physical core strength' right? The inner strength that holds us up, allows us to bend and move freely and without injury. Its little things, like pulling ourselves out of the car, being able to sit on the floor (and get back up!), it is the strength that stabilizes our body. We have a basic core strength to some degree but the stronger our core is, the better we can function, the more strong and agile we will be. You can see the importance of this deep, inner strength of of our body.
As I was pondering this I was thinking this is also what we need in our spirit. If we are strong to the very core of our being then we can withstand whatever comes our way and not be knocked down.We can bend and move and be agile. We will be like trees planted by the water with our roots growing deep, strong.
When storms rage (which they will) we will be able to bend and move but not be taken down. We will not be ripped out of our soil because our roots are so deep.
We are familiar with building our physical core by doing planks, reverse crunches, leg raises....things like that.
So how do you build your spiritual core?
You "exercise" your spirit by doing things like; getting into the Word, immersing yourself in the things of God, surrounding yourself with fellow believers, attending church, finding ways to use your gifts and talents (you know, those things that are innate to you) to serve Him in some capacity.
For HE is our strength. "The Lord is the strength of His people." Psalm 28:8
If you were diligent to build your physical core you would definitely be doing exercises on a daily basis. Those exercises would be focused, and intentional, you would give it your all, you would make it a top priority.
So how can you do that with your spiritual core?
Give some thought to exactly what you can add to your day TODAY (don’t wait til tomorrow or Monday) to gain some muscle tone in your core.
Here are a few suggestions;
begin a Bible study
attend a church service
call a friend who is a fellow believer and meet for coffee and talk about Jesus
turn on some praise and worship music
pick up your Bible and read
begin a devotional (there are apps, & a kajillion books to choose from)
Just start! Somewhere! A journey of a thousand miles begins with that first step, make yours today!