Big Birthdays
If you are a great deal younger than me then my words/thoughts about turning 60 may freak you out a bit. But before you do…freak out, that is, and decide to stop reading… I want to appeal to you to keep reading.
Neither of my own parents made it to 60 so I didn’t have anyone to “pave-the-way.”(Oh & I am the oldest child as well).
I am the type of gal that actually loves some insight and words of wisdom are always well-received. So I wish I had someone to tell me some of the things that I will be experiencing.
That is probably the main reason why I constantly feel compelled to share.
So here I go…..
Turning sixty!
Obviously as before mentioned, this is a new stage of life for my birth family.
Unchartered territory.
I have been feeling the crazy, kinda scary feelings about this upcoming “age”. I know that God has numbered my days and I will live as long as HE has planned….but there is definitely something happening to my heart and mind right now as I face this next season.
Now lest you think this is my personality to get all freaked out over a big number birthday, it actually is NOT. I normally have zero angst about my age, which is yet another reason why I am overwhelmed by the feelings I am having for this particular milestone.
SO! Because I do not want to take one moment or one year for granted I am embracing this next year of my life with fervor.
I have decided I am going to do SIXTY THINGS IN MY SIXTIETH YEAR.
Also, in light of my past history where most big things tend to happen in the years with a NINE rather than a ZERO I am starting NOW!
I have created a list of 60 things I will do/accomplish/overcome/master.
I have already done one of the biggies.
I drove myself all of the way to Bend Oregon, 717 miles to visit one of my dearest friends. I broke the drive up on the way there but drove straight through (12 hours) on the way home.
It was a thrill!
The drive was an awesome time of prayer, solitude, singing, listening (to God and to a book on tape), experiencing the grandeur of nature (my favorite).
There is a sense of accomplishment and mostly of refreshing from my time away.
I have various other things on my list including; reading the Bible 60 days straight, walk to the top of the mountain like I did on my 39th birthday, recall 60 precious memories of my life (I’ve begun recording them in my journal), learn to line dance (something I have always wanted to do) & actually my daughter has been taking me to lessons, FUN FUN!!.... the list goes on, filled with fun things, challenging endeavors and meaningful things.
The point is….not only to celebrate but to also reflect and project about life, what it consists of and what I can do to make it better. I am always in a state of learning and growing. I love what the Bible says about that in Philippians 1:6 ‘we are always a work in progress, until the day of completion’ = which means when we arrive face to face with Him! It is a perpetual growing process and we will never be done. That gives us hope and reason to keep pressing on and doing His work while we can.
On that list of 60 things I have several personal growth items that I will be achieving for the purpose of being more! More as in stronger, more fit, more wise…. I will never be done growing and that is the entire point. Once we are done growing we are dead, no fruit will come from us.
So let me challenge you, no matter what age you are turning this year, come up with a list of things you want to do to be intentional about the life you are living. A list that reveals Gods blessings and even challenges that you can conquer (mine includes some physical things that are challenging to me, like losing weight and gaining physical stamina and strength.)
When you sit down, pen in hand just begin praying for God to show you the things that are important, the things that would be fun, you have always wanted to do…I promise you it will unfold. If you need help, that is what I am here for.
Making them go from a list to reality is where I can help you if you find yourself stuck.
So, here’s to whatever age you are turning this year, to being your very best self, to living a life filled with passion and purpose!!
Love & Blessings to you