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Today I want to begin sharing with you the story of Soul Steps, what exactly it is and how it came to be. I plan to spell the story out in a few posts, so it doesn’t become one long novel ;)

Soul Steps is a powerful course that leads women out of their stuck place into a healthy understanding of who they are, feeling the freedom to live in the fullness of who God created them to be, ultimately knowing their profound worth & value.

So many times women get “stuck” in wrong thinking. This pattern of wrong thinking often becomes the internal dialogue that replays like a reel tape going over and over in her heart and mind. A negative narrative with no end in sight. There are usually lies involved. Some she heard long ago and never let go. Maybe part of the lies are actually true, but she has never healed from it, forgiving herself, forgiving others.

Many women, more than we like to think, live with feelings of; anxiousness, depression, loneliness, overwhelm, emptyness, bitterness, helplessness, insecurity, lack of confidence… Feeling the pressure to do it all and be it all, whether that comes from others or from within. Being trapped with these feelings usually leads to feeling stuck.

Being stuck feels a lot like being in quick sand. Flailing and floundering, trying harder and harder which only causes you to be more trapped in the muck and mire going nowhere but down.

Here's the thing; the battle is NOT that you're not doing enough, it is also NOT that you aren't good enough, or pretty enough, or you weigh too much, or you don’t have enough skills or abilities…..


The battle is that you are not being your authentic self; living in the fullness of Christ as the creation you were meant to be.

Psalms 139 says God knit you together in your mother’s womb, He purposely knit you with all the “ingredients” He wanted you to possess. YOU, His unique, one-of-a-kind daughter. He gave you specific talents, and gifts, He gave you that quirky cute giggle, that crooked smile, your tender, caring heart, that adorable mole on your temple……these are all part of your absolute, beautiful uniqueness.

Unless and until we fully embrace who we are and who we are meant to be we will continue living in that place of feeling like we amount to nothing, we will never measure up, insecure, doubtful, afraid, weary, angry, helpless,wounded,….STUCK!

I know what I speak of because I was that gal.

I was STUCK deep!

So deep that I was almost buried.

Stuck is yucky.

Stuck is dark and all-consuming, yet sometimes we are stuck and aren’t even fully aware. We live a productive life, we possess many roles like; employee, business owner, mother, wife, leader….

In fact some stuck women do a phenomenal job making it look good on the outside. It’s those constant overarching feelings (those words again; disconnected,worthless, doubtful, useless, sad, lonely…) that become the clouds she lives under. After a while she doesn’t even recognize they are there, it becomes the norm.

What I know is that we bury stuff so deep that it begins to taint the way we think, act and feel. We must rid ourselves of all the clutter in our hearts so we have room for the the better things...the GREAT things, like love, joy, peace, contentment, happiness, fulfillment,...…

That is what God wants for each and every one of His children.

Tomorrow I will continue with my personal journey and how it led me to create SOUL STEPS in the hopes that my experience could be used to help other women move into the fullness of God.

My hope and prayer, always, is to share that which I know, what I have learned and experienced as a way of helping YOU on your journey.

I hope as you read these posts you will consider how you can benefit from Soul Steps. I will be making an announcement very soon about the next opportunity to jump in.

Til tomorrow….

Make it a great day!



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