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October 1st rolled around and I was so excited!

The day I had been waiting for was here.

It was a perfect Autumn day. As I set off I was thrilled to finally be able to do this thing I had been anticipating.

But then, not even 50 feet down the road my mind began racing.


I don’t have a plan about how this is going to go down. I mean, of course I know I am walking to the top & back, the physical part, but what about the spiritual aspect? I hadn’t come up with a plan for that. You see, normally I am such a planner which is probably why I felt so alarmed.

I thought about it for just a few moments when it occurred to me that I would do what I always do on my walks, I would begin with praising Him and thanking Him.

So I did just that. I was lost in my thoughts of gratitude when a rock happened to catch my eye.

Okay, now let me explain the terrain of this mountain road real quick so you understand the significance that a “rock would catch my eye.” Understand that this is a dirt road filled with sticks, stones, leaves, branches... definitely not the kind of backdrop that a rock would stand out.

But this rock did.

Even before I knew this white-heart-shaped-rock represented anything, I felt led to pick it up. As I did I knew immediately what this rock represented. Memories flooded me of working through this issue already and I began telling God; “No! I don’t need this, I have already dealt with it, processed it. Done. Over. I’m golden! I don’t need to go there again. Really God! I’m good”

But He gently spoke to my heart saying: no this is not about your loss of innocence, this is about the fact that as a tender little girl your innocence was TAKEN from you. Its about the fact that even after telling, you were never reassured that it wasn’t your fault, that you were not broken, you were no less than you were before.

This is about your validation issue!

I quickly connected the dots with how I was always seeking validation and how important it was to me.

Ah ha! So that’s it.

I was not validated, never once reassured or comforted, I was simply left to feel all the feels as a child with no reasoning of her own.

So all the times I had given this issue over to God, even forgiving the perpetrator I had failed to recognize this portion of the equation.

As soon as I had processed these thoughts I heaved that rock over the cliff and I kid you not, I truly I felt as if that rock had been on my shoulders and I just released it, experiencing a huge relief.

I’m not sure if you can relate to my experience as a child, but I know SO MANY women can. Unfortunately little ones are often betrayed and abused on many levels. The scars that come from these situations when left untended become the catalyst for other issues as mine had.

If you are not relating to my story thus far, hold on, I am sure I will hit on other parts that will. But if you know someone who probably does relate, please share this with her. Like I have said so many times before, the exact reason I do what I do; including life coaching and soul steps, is so I can help other women find their worth and value, and ultimately move into the beautiful realization that they are enough.

Yes, YOU are enough sweet sister!

Just like you are.

Exactly how God made you.

Perfectly, beautifully YOU.

I will wrap up my story tomorrow.

Til then,

Believe it!!! Tell it to yourself….




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