** 18**

My walk continued up that gorgeous mountain road on that fabulous fall day while God continued to enlighten me, showing me all the junk I had been carrying.
It was as if I had left my house that morning with a backpack filled with these rocks and one by one they were thrown out. The further I climbed the lighter I felt, the burden was being lifted.There had been 18 more ‘white-heart-shaped-rock experiences’ along the way.
Recognizing the last bend in the road lined by the stately pine trees, I began processing...
18 things God had just shown me.
18 rocks lifted out of my back pack.
18 is the age you become an adult.
18 miles I will walk this day.
When it hit me!
Years prior during a very difficult time I had a profound experience of hearing God speak to me almost audibly and those words came to back to me right then:
As I reached my final steps to the top of the mountain I truly felt as if I was stepping out of my defective childhood and into my effective adulthood as He had always intended.
It was powerful!
I felt it.
I knew I was changed.
As I began my journey downhill, I felt as if I could skip I felt so light and happy. In fact I did skip a little.
The walk/skip down the mountain was filled with processing all He had showed me. Recalling scriptures like Psalm 139…He knit me together … He made me ME. I began putting things into perspective, feeling a renewed mindset. My attitude had shifted.
In fact I felt as if my entire world had shifted on its axis.
I was finally recognizing who I am, who God made me to be and that all elusive fact that; I AM ENOUGH!!!!
Once I arrived home I wanted to shout from the rooftops!
Thus began the work of Soul Steps.
When I created the curriculum I structured it into two sections emulating my mountain walks; UPHILL and DOWNHILL.
We spend the uphill portion doing the arduous work of identifying and dealing with the things that have held us back and kept us stuck. Just like my walk that day, climbing the hill is exhausting yet necessary to reach the top.
Once we have ditched it all during our mountaintop experience (which is an evening in my backyard when you do the in-person course), we head down the hill working on building ourselves up in Christ, knowing who we are because we are His creation.
We work at realizing the fact that He wants us to live in freedom no longer being bound by anything in the past, including our own expectations. We use tools to replace the negative with the positive, filling ourselves up with the good, and most importantly, recognizing our true worth and value.
The transformation is beautiful!
We do all of this within six weekly meetings.
The curriculum is created to be done in daily doses (5 days a week) with action steps in the categories of Body, Spirit and Soul each of those days.
Registration is NOW OPEN!
I only have room for 10 people here in my home, which is the in-person opportunity. Once this is full, or if you do not live in the area, or simply prefer the convenience of doing the work on your own timeline, then you have the opportunity to sign up for the online course.
All of the registration info and pay pal links are on the BLOG POST titled SIGN ME UP.....go there and follow the info to register.
****I want to thank you for joining me and reading MY STORY about how Soul Steps came to be. I believe our stories are how we relate to others and how we can use what we have been through to help others on their journey,and this is my way of doing that.
**You haven't already; I would love you to subscribe to this blog so you can be notified when I post. And, if we are not already friends on social media, come follow me there.
Facebook: Sherry Coggins@encouraginglifecoach
Instagram: lifecoachsherry
Love & Blessings to you,