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YOU... yes…YOU!

Do you have a special recipe that you just love to make? And eat ;) Maybe it is Grandmas Lasagne or Aunt Betty’s apple pie. Maybe you have tried one of the Pioneer Woman’s fabulous recipes? Following a recipe to make a scrumptious dinner or dessert is something we have done time and time again.

One of my personal favorite dishes is Marsala Chicken. When I am planning to make this recipe I begin by gathering all of the specific ingredients that will make this delicious dish. I will need some; chicken breasts, olive oil, mushrooms, garlic, Marsala wine, chicken broth, oregano, parsley, salt and pepper.

The recipe tells me exactly how much of each of those items I will need to create the perfect Marsala Chicken. So I proceed with a dash of this and a tablespoon of that, just as the recipe says and the end result is the perfect delectable dinner.

Well that my friend is exactly what God did when He created YOU.

He knew the end result He was after when He “knit you together in your mother’s womb” (Psalm 139) He added all of the ingredients just as He wanted to make you just the way He intended. A little spice, a little sugar, a dash of quirkiness, a spoonful of charm, that cute little dimple, your sparkly blue eyes, ALL of it, on purpose for a purpose.

You were born with everything you need carefully crafted inside of you.

Your gifts, talents, abilities are all a part of the package of you.

Unique, wonderful, beautiful, fabulous YOU.

Here’s the thing; most of us do not honor and celebrate ourselves in light of the fact that we are indeed a beautiful creation of the very Creator of the universe!

But, we sure should.

I honestly believe honoring who we are IN HIM can shift your heart and life, moving you from being stuck in the muck of comparison, doubt, insecurity, depression, oppression, envy…..the list goes on and on.

When I make my Marsala Chicken I love it for what it is, exactly what my mouth was watering for. I am not comparing it to a fresh green salad or a luscious piece of carrot cake. Those dishes are what they are, what they were created to be, just as my yummy- mushroom-sauce-covered-chicken was.

Do you see the absurdity in comparing those items?

It doesn’t even make sense does it?

Then why is it that we compare ourselves like that?

Why do we get so stuck in wishing we were like someone else or not feeling like we are enough?

It is definitely okay to work diligently at being our best self. Learning, growing and adding elements to who we are, being inspired by others, all of that is vitally important. But what we must STOP doing is; shrinking ourselves, thinking less of who we are, treating ourselves as a mistake or flawed in any way.

God made you!

He created everything in this world with a purpose and a plan.

That means you need to be diligent with that task, with the gifts and talents He has equipped you with.

I hope you will think about this concept as you go about your day, feeling challenged to think better of yourself. Celebrate who you are and what YOU can uniquely contribute to the world, to your community, to your family.

Embrace your uniqueness because there is and always will be only one you!

When you know your worth you will no longer live in doubt and insecurity, instead you will have more focus and energy to do the thing that burns inside of you, to be the best woman you can be. That confidence trickles down into every role you possess and lights your life on fire.

I challenge you today to begin telling yourself how amazing you are simply because our amazing God created you.

Our self-talk is where the game is changed (that is a blog post for another time because there is so much to be said about that.)

For now, let me encourage you to be aware of how you are talking to yourself and only allow positive things to be said about you. How would you talk to your best friend? Talk like that to yourself.

Repeat this after me:

I am a creation of the Master Creator of the Universe; He knit me together in my mother’s womb, uniquely, beautifully, intricately. I was made with a plan and a purpose and I am the only one who can be me. I embrace this beautiful fact from the Word of God and I will live with this knowledge as my inspiration and encouragement, today and every day of my life starting right NOW.

Get that to the very core of your being my friend and you will begin to feel a shift in your attitude and confidence, I promise you. Well, I extend Gods promise to you that is ;)

Be blessed beautiful soul,

XO Sherry

P.S. *I created a hand-written version of Psalm 139 with blanks for your name to be filled in, making it a personal affirmation from the Word to read on a regular basis. If you would like a copy simply send me an email with the subject saying Psalms 139 & I will email it to you.

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